Hero talk sooner


    Contact TalkSooner


    TalkSooner is committed to helping achieve the best possible outcome for those in our community. If you have comments or questions, we would love to hear from you.


    Please submit comments and suggestions to feedback@lsre.org

    Main Line:


    Customer Service Toll Free
    P: 1-800-897-3301
    Email:  customerservice@lsre.org

    Coalition Partners


    Allegan County Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) Coalition

    The Allegan County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (ASAP) strives to bring the community together to recognize and address substance misuse. ASAP is a tool to unify county substance abuse prevention efforts to maximize the impact of available resources with the ultimate goal of reducing youth substance abuse. For further information on meeting schedules or to be added to the email list, contact Heidi Denton at hdenton@onpointallegan.org


    Define the Line Muskegon Substance Awareness Partnership

    Through data-driven initiatives, we empower our members and coalitions to build awareness, advocate and educate our communities to help prevent and reduce substance misuse in Muskegon county – so that we can all grow, succeed, and reach our true potential. Define the Line employs a data-driven approach to identify problems and create programs to prevent drug misuse in Muskegon County, with the goal of reducing substance abuse by serving as an organizing body for more than 50 community organizations. To help create a drug-free Muskegon, Define the Line has a number of focused initiatives to address particular issues in the community. For more information, contact Joshua Wynn at joshua.wynn@trinity-health.org


    Kent County Prevention Coalition (KCPC)

    The Kent County Prevention Coalition's (KCPC) mission is to prevent and reduce harmful substance use behaviors in Kent County, with a particular focus on youth, and an overriding goal of creating a healthier community. This is achieved through the development of a substance abuse prevention system that fills gaps in services, prioritizes resources and reduces overlap. For more information or to receive monthly e-news, contact staff at: kcpreventioncoalition@gmail.com.

    Lake county bw

    Lake County Community Collaborative

    Lake County Communities That Care (CTC) Coalition brings schools, families, youth, and the community together to collectively support Lake County’s ability to improve people’s health, well-being, and health equity. The team aims to do this by reducing underage drinking and marijuana use among youth ages 12-18 and changing community perceptions and attitudes about underage substance use/misuse. For more information, contact Quran Griffin at qgriffin@dhd10.org


    The Leeward Initiative (Mason County)

    Through action, education, and coordination, The Leeward Initiative strives to reduce and prevent substance misuse, and support recovery in Mason County. The initiative aims to reduce youth marijuana use, underage alcohol use, misuse of opiates among youth and adults, and synthetic drug use as well as improving access to recovery support and reducing the stigma of addiction in Mason County. For more information, contact Grace Patzer at: gpatzer@dhd10.org


    Oceana LEADS (Leading Efforts Against Alcohol and Drugs)

    Oceana LEADS strives to achieve a reduction in drug and alcohol use by empowering the community to engage in opportunities that will promote a healthy and quality life. Priority areas include youth alcohol use, youth marijuana use, youth vaping and opiate overdoses. For more information, contact oceanaleads1@gmail.com


    Ottawa Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (OSAP)

    While advocating for a community that supports and encourages substance-free youth, the Ottawa Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition (OSAP) is dedicated to addressing issues around substance abuse, removing barriers, providing education, raising awareness, and encouraging healthy lifestyles in the community. With a group of community members, human service professionals, businesses, law enforcement, government officials and schools – OSAP aims to prevent substance abuse through effective, coordinated and sustainable action.  For more information, contact Allison Land at aland@arborcircle.org